Powerful Prayers

1. When you open your eyes from your sleep, thank GOD and praise HIM for the day.
2. Get out of bed and get on your knees and say The LORD's prayer.
3. Then say this: FATHER, I thank YOU again for this day. I thank YOU for the food that I'm about to receive, and please bless it to my body. I thank YOU and praise YOU for every single thing that I will take into my body today and tonight, and please bless it to my body. Please bless my day this day, and work through me to be a blessing to others. I can never thank YOU and praise YOU enough Father YAHWEH.
I Fear YOU - I Love YOU - I Worship YOU, and I Revere YOU
Glory to YOU Forevermore Selah!

Spiritual Warfare Prayer
I thank and praise You Father YAHWEH for all things. By YOUR mighty power, In Jesus name, I bind and break the power of satan, all of his demons, all fallen angels, all unclean spirits, all demonic powers and principalities, all legal rights, all demonic strongholds, all attachments, all curses, hexes, vexes, spells, charms, fetishes, witchcraft, sorcery, magic, voodoo, all mind control, psychic warfare, jinxes, potions, bewitchments, death, destruction, sickness, pain, torment, incantations, chanting, hoodoo, root works, money and success curses, relationship curses, soul-ties, all family bloodline curses and anything else being sent my way. I cast it out and off and away from me.

7 Declarations
1. I praise GOD for this day
2. I declare victory in this day
3. I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper
4. I declare that everything that I do, and touch will be successful
5. I declare perfect health in Mind-Body & Spirit
6. I declare to be a blessing to others
7. I declare to have power and authority over all evil and negativity
20 Affirmations
YAHWEH is first in my life
I am walking in faith -strength & courage
I'm no longer a victim to anyone or anything
I'm blessed and I'm a blessing
I'm strong in mind - body & spirit
I will live in peace - freedom & victory
I'm victorious
I have the qualities required for success.
I will live in peace, joy, and happiness.
I will not give up. I am unyielding. I'm strong.
If I get knocked down a thousand times, I will get back up a thousand and one
I'm worthy
The going may be tough, but it is only for a short time
Things will improve
I am healing every day
I’m getting better every day
I am ready to get busy living and winning
I am moving forward
I refuse to lose
I am in Warrior Mode
Repentance Prayer
Heavenly Father YAHWEH, I know that I have sinned against YOU, and I ask that YOU please forgive me for anything that I have ever done to offend YOU in any way. I renounce satan, his demons and all wickedness from my life. I pledge to grow in knowledge of YOU, and my greatest purpose in life is to do YOUR will for the rest of my life. I will follow YOUR lead as I wish to walk on YOUR path. I make YOU first in my life FATHER and I will consistently serve YOU. I thank YOU for saving me and thank YOU for the amazing things YOU are about to do in my life. I praise YOU forevermore! Selah